{Breaking News} Dumka Ankita Kumari Case News – Justice For 12 Class Girl Ankita

Dumka Ankita Kumari Case News – Justice For 12 Class Girl Ankita – The Dumka Ankita Kumari Case has been viraled all over the internet & on news. What was the case? Is the accused has been punished, Check out the answers in the below article. To know more follow the below article.

Dumka girl Death case – Justice for 12 Class Girl Ankita:

We have come across news of Jharkhand about a girl named Ankita Kumari. Many of you have already studied the case but some of you are still not aware of it. A 19 years old girl Ankita Kumari was burnt by his neighbour Shahrukh Hussain. He poured petrol on her & set her blaze. She was admitted to the hospital in Jharkhand & died on the night of Saturday.

The accused Shahrukh Hussain has taken the Jaruadih locality of the city police station area of Jharkhand’s Dumka district. Police have arrested the accused. According to sources, Shahrukh, who lives in the neighbourhood, was continuously harassing Ankita. He had managed to get her phone number from somewhere and started forcing her to befriend him.

. It is alleged that when Ankita did not agree and rebuked him, Shahrukh lost his cool and threatened to kill her. Further, to know more information regarding the Ankita case details, follow the below article. We have also included all the controversy held at the time of the Ankita case 2023.

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ankita case

General information regarding the Ankita Case Jharkhand:

Name of the article Dumka Ankita Kumari Case News – Justice For 12 Class Girl Ankita
Type News
Mode Online
Place Jharkhand
Category Apply online
Status Active
Year 2023

दुमका झारखंड लाइव न्यूज़ – अंकिता कुमारी मर्डर न्यूज़:

23 अगस्त 2023 को अंकिता कुमारी पर उसी के पड़ोसी शाहरुख हुसैन द्वारा पेट्रोल पर कर जलाने का न्यूज़ सामने आया था उसके बाद से ही अंकिता कुमारी को फूलो झानो मेडिकल कॉलेज हॉस्पिटल में भर्ती कराया गया था. लेकिन जब अंकिता की हालत ज्यादा खराब हुई तो उसको रांची राजेंद्र इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइंस में अच्छे ट्रीटमेंट के लिए ट्रांसफर किया गया था लेकिन पिछली रात 2:30 बजे अंकिता कुमारी ने अपनी आखिरी सांसे ली. अंकिता की रिलेटिव्स के अनुसार जब है उससे मिलने गए थे तो वह बस एक ही बात बोले जा रही थी कि मुझे बस यह बता दो कि मैं बच पाऊंगी या नहीं.

Ankita Statement – Last words before the death. Know the statement below 2023:

As per the sources & reports, Ankita’s last statement recorded was all about the incident. Just before the death, she has given all the information that happened to her, & how it happened to her. She said that We came to the house at 10 o’clock at night and told Papa that it will be fine in the morning. So, let’s see. Came at 4 in the morning, threw petrol from the window, and ran away after lighting the fire. Petrol was in a box, he and a little boy were there. She also demanded the same punishment for the accused. She wants that the Sharukh should also be burnt with petrol.

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BJP’s allegation in the case of Hindu Girl Ankita [Jharkhand]:

BJP leader Babu Lal Marandi made a big allegation that DSP Noor Mustafa is trying to save accused Shahrukh. He said that Ankita has been written as an adult in the FIR. He accused the DSP of sympathy for the accused and said that there is no hope of justice while he is alive, so noor Mustafa should be sent to jail by registering an FIR against him.

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